POST serviceowner/delegations/roles?onBehalfOf={onBehalfOf}

Allows for service owner to perform delegation of roles on behalf of a third party (onBehalfOf) to a person or an organization.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
onBehalfOf The person (SSN) the delegation is made on behalf of

Define this parameter in the request URI.

rightHolder All roles which are to be delegated, and information about who it should be delegated to

Define this parameter in the request body.

Request body formats


No sample


Sample (delegation to a person):
    "Type": "Email",
    "Email": "", // Optional if the SocialSecurityNumber has a registered email address in the common contact register, otherwise required. Used for notifying the recipient of the delegation.
    "SocialSecurityNumber": "SocialSecurityNumber",
    "LastName": "SSN_LastName", // Must match last name of SocialSecurityNumber in the National Registry
    "_embedded" : {
        "Roles" : [{
            "RoleDefinitionId": 12345 // RoleDefinitionId can be found using api/serviceowner/roledefinitions
Sample (delegation to an organization):
    "Type": "Email",
    "Email": "", // Required. Used for notifying the recipient of the delegation.
    "OrganizationNumber": "OrganizationNumber",
    "Name": "OrgName", // Must match the organization name from the Register of Legal Entities
    "_embedded" : {
        "Roles" : [{
            "RoleDefinitionId": 12345 // RoleDefinitionId can be found using api/serviceowner/roledefinitions