GET {who}/authorization/rights

Gets the rights.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
who who the user is acting as/on behalf of.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

queryOptions OData Query details. This object is created by the Framework based on parameters in the url.


Response Information

The rights.

Response body formats



Sample not available.


  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "sample string 83"
  "_embedded": {
    "sample string 7": [
        "RightID": 1,
        "RightType": "sample string 77",
        "SystemResourceID": "sample string 41",
        "ServiceCode": "sample string 92",
        "ServiceEditionCode": 1,
        "ServiceOwner": "sample string 41",
        "ServiceOwnerCode": "sample string 1",
        "MessageID": "sample string 60",
        "Delegator": "sample string 41",
        "DelegatedTime": "2025-02-05T08:40:23.0104951+01:00",
        "Action": "sample string 33",
        "RightSourceType": "sample string 0",
        "IsDelegatable": true,
        "ValidToDate": "2025-02-05T08:40:23.0104951+01:00",
        "IsConsentDelegation": true
        "RightID": 1,
        "RightType": "sample string 77",
        "SystemResourceID": "sample string 41",
        "ServiceCode": "sample string 92",
        "ServiceEditionCode": 1,
        "ServiceOwner": "sample string 41",
        "ServiceOwnerCode": "sample string 1",
        "MessageID": "sample string 60",
        "Delegator": "sample string 41",
        "DelegatedTime": "2025-02-05T08:40:23.0104951+01:00",
        "Action": "sample string 33",
        "RightSourceType": "sample string 0",
        "IsDelegatable": true,
        "ValidToDate": "2025-02-05T08:40:23.0104951+01:00",
        "IsConsentDelegation": true
        "RightID": 1,
        "RightType": "sample string 77",
        "SystemResourceID": "sample string 41",
        "ServiceCode": "sample string 92",
        "ServiceEditionCode": 1,
        "ServiceOwner": "sample string 41",
        "ServiceOwnerCode": "sample string 1",
        "MessageID": "sample string 60",
        "Delegator": "sample string 41",
        "DelegatedTime": "2025-02-05T08:40:23.0104951+01:00",
        "Action": "sample string 33",
        "RightSourceType": "sample string 0",
        "IsDelegatable": true,
        "ValidToDate": "2025-02-05T08:40:23.0104951+01:00",
        "IsConsentDelegation": true