GET delegationRequests?serviceCode={serviceCode}&serviceEditionCode={serviceEditionCode}&direction={direction}&status[0]={status[0]}&status[1]={status[1]}&continuation={continuation}

[Removed] Gets a list of all the DelegationRequests where the authenticated organization is either coveredBy or offeredBy. Optional parameters can be used in order to filter the result.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
queryOptions OData Query details. This object is created by the Framework based on parameters in the url.


serviceCode Optional filter parameter for serviceCode

Define this parameter in the request URI.

serviceEditionCode Optional filter parameter for serviceEditionCode

Define this parameter in the request URI.

direction Optional filter parameter for directions (incoming, outgoing). If no direction is specified, both incoming and outgoing requests will be returned

Define this parameter in the request URI.

status Optional filter parameter for status. (created, unopened, approved, rejected, deleted)

Define this parameter in the request URI.

continuation Optional filter parameter for continuationToken

Define this parameter in the request URI.